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Strict new EU cybersecurity laws are coming. Will your organization be ready to comply?

In our turbulent, hyper-connected world, cyberattacks are posing a serious risk to our critical infrastructure, and our everyday lives. To counter these threats, the EU has introduced sweeping new legislation, known as NIS2. Member States must transpose NIS2 into national law by 17 October 2024.

While NIS2 serves as the baseline for cybersecurity regulations across the Union, each Member State may apply yet stricter requirements based on unique characteristics, infrastructures, and priorities. Non-compliance can lead to severe consequences, including heavy fines. With the clock ticking, are you confident your organization will be ready? Learn how to prepare for NIS2 and meet its requirements.

Depending on each organization’s current cybersecurity maturity, complying with NIS2 may be a significant undertaking, so act now to avoid a last-minute scramble. Here’s what you should be asking yourself:

  1. Have we assessed how NIS2 will impact our organization?

  2. Have we mapped out our organization'scurrent level of compliance with NIS2, identifified gaps, and developed an action plan to address shortcomings?

  3. Have we developed new policies and procedures to supplement existing security measures and ensure compliance?

  4. Are we monitoring our data effectively to ensure that risk management measures are in place and working correctly, and that potential security incidents are being quickly detected?

  5. Do we have the right tools and data in place to quickly respond to and report incidents?

  6. Have we allocated concrete budgets and, if possible, a team to the project, to implement missing measures and processes?

Download our report to understand the impact of NIS2 on your business. Discover insights into how the new laws will impact your organization and what you can do to comply.

Download the NIS2 leaflet